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Privacy Policy

The organizers will only use your data for purposes associated with running photographic salons.

These entry pages do NOT use cookies.



This form is used to request Acceptance Certificates for all of your images which have been accepted in this salon. The certificates are produced as a PDF file which can be saved or opened and printed.

Each certificate is approximately A5 size (7.5 inch by 5 inch) with 2 per page designed to print on both A4 and standard US letter paper.

If your 11 character reference is not already showing in the box below, please enter your reference including the hyphens.

Please note: if you did not have any acceptances then there are no Acceptance Certificates and the system will not produce a PDF file.

2024 Reference Number

  (11 characters including hyphens)

    Process Button

The design of these data entry pages (including text and HTML) is copyright Kenebec Media Ltd and is part of the K-Salon software.